Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Water & Sewer Rates (Rate 1)

Monthly Minimum
$32.55 base rate for 0-2000 gallons
Tier (gal.):
2,000 32.55
4,000 $61.95
6,000 $83.15
8,000 $104.35
10,000 $117.35

Our water meters are read at the end of the month and bills are in the mail by the 5th of the following month.


The Village of Alexis has 4 Water & Sewer Rates:

Rate #1 Inside City Limits With Water & Sewer

Rate #2 Inside City Limits  Water Only

Rate #3 Outside City Limits Water & Sewer

Rate #4 Outside City Limits Water Only


The above example is for Rate #1. If you are any of the other rates and wish to have your rate/consumption/bill explained to you, please call or visit Village Hall.


This example is a Rate #1 for 6000 gallons

6000 gal - 2000 gal=4000 gal÷ 100 gal=40 x $0.65=$26.00 +($26.01 base)= $52.01

6000 gal÷100 gal = 60x 0.41 = $24.60 + ($6.54 base) = $31.14

+ $31.14